5 reasons you should take your skincare routine seriously (to look and feel good)

Skincare Routine

You see it, touch it, feel it, but you don’t do anything for it.

Yes, I am talking about your skin.

Be honest, when was the last time you loved your skin you are in?

Can you recall the last time you looked in the mirror and smiled at your beautiful skin?

Probably years back, before teen age threw a net of pimples and acne.

Life happened and taking care of your skin was the last thing in the mind. Not that you didn’t try, now and then you did. It just didn’t work out. There was no time. So you gave up.

But as you age, your skin starts throwing tantrums to get your attention – it becomes dull, it starts getting wrinkles and stretch marks, it’s prone to frequent infection; the list has just started.

And then you think: maybe it’s too late.

But it’s never too late to start with a proper skincare routine.

Why skincare is important?

Your skin deserves your love. Like every lover, it requires deep understanding and a bit of pampering, every now and then.

You see, our skin is a multi-tasker. It protects your internal organs, shields you from environmental changes, and sheds off the unnecessary elements from the body. In short, you need to take care of your skin if you want to be healthy, no matter what your age is.

The health of your skin directly affects your personality and self-confidence. Your heart does a happy dance when your skin doesn’t reveal your age. When you build healthy habits, your skin becomes the first window of glow and radiance.

Both internal and external organs perform their functions flawlessly, when you take care of your skin. 

Keeping your skin healthy and happy rewards you beyond social acceptance – it brings you compliments and praises and your body sparkles with joy.

What happens if you don’t take care of the skin?

Just like an irritated wife who feels thankless or unappreciated for her contributions to the growth of family, your skin will stop performing its crucial functions and start showing signs of aging and invite skin problems.

Various studies show that skin disorders have direct effect on the mental health of an individual. Avoiding social gathering, depression, and low self-esteem are some of the serious issues linked due to skin insecurities.

When skin is unhealthy, it opens the doors for pathogens to attack the body, weakening our immune system and making us prone to infections.

That’s why it is important to take utmost care of the skin to maintain overall health.

Pre-requisites for following a skin care routine

We shed 0.03-0.09g of skin every hour which means skin cells are at work 24*7. So, we need to be careful and consistent in our efforts to establish and follow a routine so that the skin performs its functions smoothly.

Let’s start with basic concepts before we understand in depth how skin care will benefit us in the long term.

  1. Skin type: Understanding your skin type is the foundation or step zero to start a skin care routine. Generally, skin type is divided in to 5 segments – normal, oily, dry, combination, and sensitive skin. Know your skin type so that you don’t cause more damage to your skin.
  2. Weather: Skin changes as per weather. Summer means more oil, dirt, and clogging of pores while winter demands more moisturization. So, change your regime based on the place and weather.
  3. Natural/Commercial Products: Although natural skin care has stolen the limelight these days, lot of misconceptions and wrong practices has plagued the social media influencers. Not everything that is natural is good for your skin, and not all commercial products are villain for your skin. Let that sink in deep.
  4. Allergies: If you are allergic to any particular ingredient/s or product/s, take necessary steps to avoid it. 

5 Reasons as to why you should take skincare routine seriously

The importance of skincare has become the talk of town. Let’s focus our attention to why it goes beyond the trend:

  1. It mirrors self-image

Confidence and appearance are twins. No matter how many philosophies tell us not to judge a book by its cover, as humans, we tend to make first impressions by how a person looks.

When your skin is healthy, you look and feel confident and are ready to conquer the world. Likewise, if you are feeling low or are deprived of sleep, your skin reflects your moods and emotions.

Though skincare doesn’t contribute to your internal functioning, it does show to the world how you are feeling inside. That’s why being comfortable in your skin makes all the difference – both inwardly and outwardly.

  • It prevents various skin problems

Skin problems are like guests – some may come and visit for a short time while others may stay for a very long time.

A skin care routine will not prevent or stop skin concerns. But a consistent skin care routine will help in the ability to fight against the villains and keep them at bay for a long time. It can detect emerging skin conditions and address them early before turning in to serious problem.

Paying attention to your skin prevents future skin related issues like reduced collagen, wrinkles, and dryness that develop due to aging. An effective skincare routine will keep your skin youthful and radiant.

  • It transforms your lifestyle and inspires to adopt healthy habits

Skin care isn’t just for aesthetics; it is also about your health.

Skincare is directly connected to your mind and your body. You become attuned to how your skin reacts to stress, diet, lifestyle, and other environmental factors. This helps you to control the trigger points and take preventive measures.

Good skincare routine helps you to adopt healthier lifestyle habits. It inspires you to make better choices towards diet, exercise, and overall wellness. This imparts an inner glow which no product on Earth can give!

  • For Self-care – and why it’s important

Self-care is essential.

In this chaotic, ever changing world, taking care of your self is the best therapy to fight against stress. It is important to snatch few minutes from the grinding routine to relax and rejuvenate.

Skin care doesn’t demand a special attention or exclusive time from self-care. It need not become a separate activity – following a daily skin care routine itself becomes a part of self-care.

A simple act of applying a face mask slows you down a bit and is one of the most popular relaxing ways to treat yourself and pamper your skin.

  • Keep age related changes at bay

Fine lines, wrinkles, sagging, and dry skin are some of the free packages that come as you age. Due to aging, the skin loses its ability to produce collagen and elastin that makes the skin tight and plump.

A good skin care routine will delays the aging effects and shield you from harmful elements that damage the skin. It reduces the long-term risk of premature aging, skin cancer, and other skin diseases.

A regular skin care routine will maintain its vitality and elasticity. So as you age, it will bring grace, positivity, and self-assured in your daily life.


Your skin is the first line of your body’s defense against the environmental changes like pollution, UV rays, and weather conditions. This makes skincare a vital aspect of self-care and overall health.

A good skin care routine offers anti-aging benefits, boosts self-confidence, and plays a role in preventing skin diseases.

So, now is the right time to start investing in your skin. Your skin will thank you for it, and you’ll enjoy the benefits for years to come. Remember, your skincare routine should be flexible to change as per the age, location, time, skin type, and weather conditions.

A skin care routine is a journey of self-discovery, self-expression, and self-care that can positively impact various facets of your life. By nurturing your skin, you are also nurturing your overall well-bring and embracing a healthier life.